Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tip: Organising The Daily Clutter

You can have a Fabulously Perfect Organised house, a place for everything, and still everything doesn't always end up in the right place. In fact, there are things that don't end up in the right part of the house and sit in a corner somewhere collection dust and other lots bobs and bits.  So what do you do with all those disconnected items that seem to breed like a pandemic?

First of all you have to accept that all those misplaced bits and bobs are just a part of life and running a household.  Next you have to develop a plan to attack, divide, and conquer!  Once a month or so I tackle all those odd things that end up in weird places, like one sock in the office, my seam ripper in the living room, random pieces of string, a hair comb..... You get the idea.

I have a great weekly cleaning schedule and as part of that I try to pick up daily in each room. Doesn't always happen, but I have a plan and I do the best I can.  But a part of that daily tidy-up-time I make a little group in a box, or a space for things that do not belong in that room. Then once a week or once a month I can take all those disjointed items and put them in the right room, and then in the right place.

If I just did this consistently, I would have a perfectly organised home with "a place or everything and everything in it's place."  But even I am not perfect, and every so often I have to Spring Clean some major Organisation and get everything situated.

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