Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tip: Organising The Daily Clutter

You can have a Fabulously Perfect Organised house, a place for everything, and still everything doesn't always end up in the right place. In fact, there are things that don't end up in the right part of the house and sit in a corner somewhere collection dust and other lots bobs and bits.  So what do you do with all those disconnected items that seem to breed like a pandemic?

First of all you have to accept that all those misplaced bits and bobs are just a part of life and running a household.  Next you have to develop a plan to attack, divide, and conquer!  Once a month or so I tackle all those odd things that end up in weird places, like one sock in the office, my seam ripper in the living room, random pieces of string, a hair comb..... You get the idea.

I have a great weekly cleaning schedule and as part of that I try to pick up daily in each room. Doesn't always happen, but I have a plan and I do the best I can.  But a part of that daily tidy-up-time I make a little group in a box, or a space for things that do not belong in that room. Then once a week or once a month I can take all those disjointed items and put them in the right room, and then in the right place.

If I just did this consistently, I would have a perfectly organised home with "a place or everything and everything in it's place."  But even I am not perfect, and every so often I have to Spring Clean some major Organisation and get everything situated.

Monday, October 21, 2013

What's For Dinner?

It is the universal question that never stops. Sometimes it can be the worst part of your day.  You're hungry, your family is cranky, even the dog is laying limp next to an empty food dish, and all you can say is, "I have no idea."

This is me, without my wonderful meal planning method that keeps each day from turning into a bad case of the Mondays!  How I fought it for a long time, it just seems like it take so much energy, energy I felt like I just didn't have.  I used to have this perfect neighbour that made up her entire months worth of fabulous meals and would head off to the grocery store to buy everything she needed, and she even had a mid-month list of the things she would need.  While I admire her greatly, the whole thing made me a little sick.

The daunting task of monthly meal planning just overwhelmed me.  But I soon discovered that while a whole month was to much, maybe a week would be fine. Well guess what, it worked! One week at a time. I sit down one day, make my list, go shopping, and am one happy camper when my husbands looks as me and says, "Whats for dinner?"

So how did I get here? Well, Pinterest helped me a LOT!  But in the end, I had to evaluate how I do things, and adapt all the ideas out there into one that would work for me.  I started with a recipe box, and some blank 4x6" index cards and my pile of recipe books and my Pinterest account.  I made a card for each recipe, writing down the ingredients and a brief explanation of the preparation.  For the more difficult recipes I wrote down which of my books I could find it in.
Each week I sift through my recipe box, and what we've eaten the previous weeks, and make a new list.  As I make my weekly meal plan I also make my grocery list.  The weekly meal plan gets pinned to the side of my fridge and the grocery list goes in my purse.  Not only has this eased some of my daily anxiety, but it's helped out the pocket book because now we have a pretty good idea of what we are spending on food.

Do I stick to my plan exactly? Goodness No! If I want stir-fry and it's Monday, I swap it out.  Also, if I get to the store and I had planned on a roast lamb, but beef roast is on sale and looks fabulous, I substitute. Remember, meal planning is supposed to be a tool for your ease. What you do need is a plan, a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly plan. 

Here's some helpful blogs, and if you are on Pinterest I suggest you look there for some great easy recipes!

photo credit: <a href="">David Kracht</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
photo credit: <a href="">liber</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Monday, October 14, 2013

Closet Organisation

So let me break this down. You NEED an organised closet, yes really! 


1. Saves time
2. You know what you've got
3. Seriously reduces stress!
4. By the end of this, you'll know where everything is!

I'm going to simplify this as easy as I can, so follow along:
PART I: Cleaning House

1. Start with your clothes, clothes only! Make two piles of clothes:
A. Clothes that don't fit, are to worn, or you haven't worn in a year
(this pile goes into boxes or garbage sack immediately to be delivered to Goodwill)
B. Clothes your keeping
2. Now Properly hang, fold and store the clothes you are keeping.
3. Now go through all your pi's, underwear, slips and shape wear. As with the clothes, make two piles.
4. Now we get down to the nitty-gritty. All those accessories, and no we're not at shoes yet. Go through all your belts, gloves, scarves. Divide and conquer, bag or put away PROPERLY!
5. As you've gone through your closet, you've undoubtedly come upon some things that don't belong. Don't shove that old lavender pillow back in the sock drawer, through it away. And remove any items that don't belong.
6. Last but not least, your shoes. Remove any that are too worn, or ones you've been holding on to for that "right" occasion that came and went and never came again. Including shoes you wore with a particular outfit you haven't worn for three years and you just put the remaining items in the to-go bag.

Ok, you are done with part one! Go relax, eat, maybe come back tomorrow, this was A LOT of work, but yes my friends, there is more!

PART II: Getting Serious
1. Divide again
A. Summer
B. Winter
C. Year-round
2. Match and Clear-out
Take a look at your Summer clothes, get rid of anything you don't have something that you can wear with it, in fact this is a good time to look at my previous post on what you need in your closet. Print that out and go through all three categories. Pair down to the essentials. Be really rough on yourself, you can add back later, but go with this: 

"When in doubt, Throw it out."

And by all means, try everything on! Be honest with yourself, that fabulous pair of pants looked hot a year ago, but those ten pounds add a nasty muffin top. You don't have to throw it all away, but I would tuck those away out of sight in a box somewhere, buy a new pair that fits, and hit the gym until your new pair are baggy! Oh then what a feeling you'll have pulling it all back out!

At this point, fit and flattery count more then a closet stuffed! If it doesn't fit right, or is in flattering, toss it!

PART III: Packing
Pack away your off season items. Martha Stewert I'm sure has some great guides for this, so I'm not gonna bother. Then relax and look at your fresh clean closet! I'd also recommend since your taking everything out, that this would be a good time to clean: vacuum, dust, repair.

It's not rocket science, its clothing! You can do it, or you can call me for help and I'll come over and help you by doing all the hard work!

photo credit: <a href="">Flооd</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

What's In Your Closet?

What you need in your closet! 

Yes, I actually looked this up, and it wasn't easy. Real SImple to someone called Miss Minimalist. There was every kind of list out there, and I went through carefully and put my own together, of course!

You need to start with a basic color, something neutral like black or brown or grey. Don't worry, there is still room for color, like pops in your shirts, or dresses, and definitely in your jewelry and accessories. But leave the pants and jackets fairly plain. The whole idea behind this is to be able to reach into your wardrobe in the morning as pull out a pair of pants and a shirt and have they match instantly! (Confession here, I kind of have two wardrobes, one black, one brown).

The other crucial thing is fit. Whether it was be a cute top, or a trendy pair of jeans, if they don't fit and flatter you you're wasting your time... send it on to your little sister, or better yet, the thrift store! And divide and conquer: Pack away your non seasonal items so they aren't taking up room and visual space. Really, it's that simple.

Buy great quality items which fit, and take care of them, washing and storing them properly. 


  • Sexy camisole
  • Black tank
  • Short sleeve black t 
  • Short sleeve white t
  • Longsleeve white t 
  • Longsleeve black t 
  • Black Turtlemeck 
  • Fitted White buttondown l/s
  • S/S White blouse
  • Pinstriped oxford
  • Bold Blouse
  • Light sweater set 
  • Neutral Cashmere sweater set
  • Fitted jacket
  • Patterned Jacket
  • Heavy Sweater


  • Jeans 2-4 pairs
  • Khakis 
  • Black suit: 3pcs lt.wool
  • Summer Suit 3-pcs
  • Charcaol trousers
  • Tweed Pants
  • A-line skirt

Printed dress
Black dress
Formal Blk gown, long

Trench coat
Parka, soft shell jacket


Lounge pants
"Painting" Outfit (Messy Work Suit)

Nightgown or Pajamas

Four Essetial Purses: 
  • Satchel 
  • Clutch 
  • Cross body 
  • Oversizes tote


  • Ballet flats 
  • Walking shoes. Casual
  • Knee high boots 
  • Office heels. Professional- (but not formal) 
  • Dressy heels. Fabric sling-backs suitable for cocktail and more formal dresses. 
  • Hiking shoes./ Gym Shoes 


  • Fourteen pair of underwear, 
  • seven bras, 
  • one strapless bra, 
  • one camisole that matches your skin color, 
  • one short slip, 
  • One tea length slip 


Miss Minimalsist... I'm an intriqued convert

photo credit: <a href="">Rubbermaid Products</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>